Monday, August 10, 2009

More on Sex

It is rare that my prayers are answered as completely or as quickly as one just was. Last night I wrote about my teacher Dr. Tim Lull and ended with this question: Who will speak the truth of the Lutheran Confessions like this to us today? And then, in my inbox this morning is a link to the latest edition of "The Journal of Lutheran Ethics" and the second half of a dialogue between Michael Root and Edward Schroeder. In my quest for actual Lutheran theological reflection and dialogue, I must say this is better stuff than the Braaten-Chilstrom conversation I mentioned in a previous post. I recommend the Root-Schroeder conversation to anyone interested in the ELCA, homosexuality and the church, and especially the Lutheran Confessions.

Schroeder also links to an article he wrote from lectures delivered in 2001, and it is very good as well.

And an "after press time" additional voice in the dialoge (from our Missouri-Synod friends) can be found here (thanks to @chad_thompson) Isn't theological dialogue fun?

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